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127's answer (7)

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so uk all this shit bout him and you still say he's a "nice" guy. sure babe i'd say he says all that for "shits n giggles", but wheres the giggle, cause I ain't seen it yet. its jus shits   1 reply
4 days
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its the fact that u thought of writing this out on fuckin mangago, asking for HELP rather than your first instinct being shutting the fuckin laptop off. it's a tad bit amazing to say the least.   1 reply
14 04,2024
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i can FEEL the frustration through this post   reply
21 02,2024
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Personally, I prefer to wiggle around as if there's a burglar wielding a gun in the adjacent room—just, you know, to keep the excitement level up. So, definitely a no for me. Not too sure abt the other girlies tho.   1 reply
11 02,2024
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ATEEZ SERVED as always   reply
14 04,2024
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31 03,2024
ya'll have people around to play pranks on??   reply
31 03,2024
my 1 n only :(   2 reply
04 05,2024