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Moondreamer's answer (11)

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God I wish i had my glass off for this. I wish I didn't even click on this.   1 reply
21 04,2021
Why the hell r u even posting ur age here? It's the internet kid. But ill indulge you and give u an answer. I'm of legal age   reply
01 05,2021
God it's like I'm back on quotev or But at least they have better shit on there then what I read here.   3 reply
23 04,2021
about question
Hey get me ur sister, my fist has a present for her stupidity.   reply
27 04,2021
about nosebleed
I have to many to count, having adult ADHD and just being plain dumb. But I do have a personal favorite from my 7th grade English teacher. So he went on a date with this girl and it was at a restaurant. And so they eat and everything but the food was kinda bad, so they payed and left. And when my teacher dropped off his date at her home, they both ......   reply
30 04,2021
Ill give u one think. U got my first name but not my middle. Which, to me, is funny because my middle name was going to be my first name. Anywho, what was the purpose of this name post anyways?   reply
10 05,2021
about question
Just write fanfic about ur fantasies and never post them on the internet, they will be for ur eyes. And only ur eyes. Some people dont like this type of thing.   2 reply
07 06,2021
If I was an emotional person, I would have shed a tear or 2. But this i kinda sad man, i want a happy ending. Wither that means they move on or fall in love.   reply
10 05,2021
Moondreamer 26 04,2021
Oh, just oh. I didn't even read it past the first 2 lines. No thanks   reply
26 04,2021
about question
I..Why are u posting this here, got to reddit, 4chan, or some other site to put ur bullshit at. I get so confused by other people who come to this site and bitch and moan about not liking it. I mean that fine sis, u do u, but just leave man. Just leave and read ur shit somewhere else. Ugh   reply
10 05,2021
about question
"When in doubt, pussy out" - TheHumbleNoob from their Breath of the wild video How I joined the Yiga clan   reply
13 05,2021