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Tinted_Path's answer (8)

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Hey, I'm just gonna throw my opinion out there and not really answer this. I personally don't mind a rape scene since it's not real, but I also don't wish for it to occur. If it happens, it happens. Sometimes it develops a story, other times it's purposeless and that's when it gets me annoyed. I read: Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru (check it out it......   3 reply
18 07,2021
Nah, it's funny how comments on these topics will say that it's disgusting but have it in there read list. Many of ya'll just wanna appease others and hop on the bandwagon.   1 reply
18 07,2021
Main character energy   1 reply
10 07,2021
I just got Line last night, so I'm new. I'm also obviously close in interests and close in age (16). Let's talk? Line ID: My_LoveStein   1 reply
07 04,2019
There's no logic to humans let's just leave it at that.   2 reply
01 09,2018
I'll text you! I'm My_lovestein   1 reply
30 04,2019
Hey, I personally don't mind a rape scene since it's not real, but I also don't wish for it to occur. If it happens, it happens. Sometimes it develops a story, other times it's purposeless and that's when it gets me annoyed. honestly most of these yaoi currently coming out have rape just for the purpose of having rape. The stories not interesting,......   reply
18 07,2021