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microwave's answer page 4 (133)

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about question
I live alone with my dog for the past 4 years now...and let me tell you I have never been happier. I feel the more people I add to my life the more stressed I get and a lover would just add to it. Well there are a few times when I feel lonely but then I cook or clean and I feel all good again. I guess its more about your own thought process and the......   3 reply
11 04,2024
about question
25 03,2024
Am i alright in the head if I have a whole ass conversation with myself all the time..   4 reply
25 03,2024
Why am I seeing this after reading about the Twitter killer guy.   reply
15 days
20 04,2024
I don't like it when others are happy...the evil in me just can't accept the fact that I'm sad and someone else is happy. So i just tell them something that makes them unhappy. I am sorry but not sorry.   2 reply
20 04,2024
about question
When people think it's weird to eat with your bro how do you shove that pizza.. burgers...or fries down your throat. I don't see you using any fork or spoons.   reply
29 03,2024
What is this even about?   reply
22 04,2024
It's been so long since I last bought clothes..I just raid my brother or dad's's always them baggy clothes On special demand of Mr Ass Eater...some of my fave inspirations   2 reply
04 04,2024
about question
The only thing you should spread is legs.   reply
03 04,2024
about sad times
Bro it's better to have no best friends rather than someone who doesn't give a fuck about you and given that you help her so much you can expect her to be there when you need. You did the right thing dude   1 reply
26 03,2024
Sometimes people say the shittiest things...and then play it cool by saying that the others can't even take a joke. Well it's funny when both sides are laughing bitch. I love dark humour ngl...but there's still a line dude..and what's up with them being so homophobic....I am straight but why would I hate someone just because of their gender or some......   reply
30 03,2024
about question
Sleep..and then elves will come and study instead...I do that too and in the morning everything is done On a serious note... try to maybe avoid your phone and all and keep your phone and all the devices .as far as possible from you...   1 reply
01 04,2024
about go bald
I tripped on air out of nowhere in front of the guy I like.And my rabbit chopped off a chunk of my hair...when I was asleep.So's pretty good   1 reply
25 03,2024
about question
Maybe stop being a little bitch here and actually open up the books and study instead of asking for motivation every few days.....that would probably help more...there's nothing really cool about not doing the work you are supposed to do..i guess you should just shut the Fuck up and study   1 reply
07 04,2024
19 04,2024
  2 reply
19 04,2024
Me and one of my friends saw our professor banging one of the top students in our class during a university trip. Now the real question is she really a good student or does the credit goes to all this banging. It...was tbh just disgusting and our professor is in his mind 50s. Yeah.And I once saw a guy um...with his mouth attached to a girl's v......   1 reply
30 04,2024
about question
When you don't get any attention irl this is what you eventually resort just sound like a man hater to me though...and men get assaulted too..its not about the percentage that this is the no of women and this is the men..and women are more prone so we'll ignore men... assault is assault....its about people like you out there thinking that......   reply
19 03,2024
I taught myself how to write using my left hand now I am ambidextrous...but I don't know what to make do of it.   1 reply
23 03,2024
about question
Had a minor one.. day before helix piercing got infected...all the pain i suffered for 2 months..went down the drains   1 reply
25 03,2024
about question
29 03,2024
Well no comments because I am green   reply
29 03,2024
24 03,2024
I have only ever excreted flowers.   reply
24 03,2024