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NightmareWhisper's experience page 11 (203)

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Lmfao "liked someone i shouldn't like." phrase is the most pedophilic, incest, Ephebophilic sounding thing I've ever heard. I'm concerned about the person who made this tag. Who the fuck are you liking that you know you shouldn't like!? Fucking werido.   reply
08 02,2021
These are some of the worst Yaois I've ever read. then there was one more with these twins and one twin was angry with the other and had his twin sold and gangraped. I forgot the name of that one. For SL these are some of the worst stories I've read.   1 reply
07 03,2021
There is no such thing as a "nice" troll. If people like you, you aren't a troll. If You aren't doing what the literal definition of what trolling is. You aren’t a troll. You are just another user here. Now for the actual trolls. Its been the same bullshit. "Be gay bad straight good" It's just the lack of originality for me. Like come on trolls ......   3 reply
17 02,2021