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NightmareWhisper's experience page 2 (203)

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So i just watched this is the link. The amount of people defending the sick fuck who did god knows what to the poor girl is disgusting. Then they had the NERVE TO BLAME THE 13 YEAR OLD GIRL! A FUCKING CHILD!! FOR POTENTIALLY BEING RAPED. SAYING IT WAS HER FAULT FOR BEING GROOMED BY HIM! I fucking hate peopl......   reply
04 03,2021
Cuz ah yes the fetishization of Asian women and belief that Asian women will just treat men like a king and be completely submissive towards themand then they wonder why they are single and no woman wants them.   4 reply
20 05,2021
about vent
So a minute ago I saw this clip that said "If he can't give you money to get your nails done until he gets paid, that means he wouldn't be able to afford an abortion on the spot, and that means he can't afford a baby and that means he can't afford to be having sex." And at first I was sitting there like then i realized   2 reply
22 02,2021
about question
1. Did we ever find out what happened to Emily? Did she die or something? I haven’t seen her. 2. what happened to Mr. Blxckie 2.0? I saw for a bit then they disappeared. 3. Lust Rose? Did they delete their account? After that post about them they just disappeared. 4. Deep Throat My Dick and STFU? I haven’t seen them in a bit. Since the lust r......   5 reply
08 03,2021
Lmfao some of yall are savages. Like the sheer brutality and the zero fucks given in your responses be having me sitting here like. I be sitting here taken notes like ok.. this is someone who I'm not going to be picking a fight with. I ain't listing names yall know who yall are.   3 reply
09 02,2021
Yall know this postMangago should add something like this. When someone makes a question there should be a option to report that post and block all similar post like it. After we report it they can ask why we did using these questions. Like Can you imagine not having to see the SAME 3 posts every single fucking day, not hearing people complain abou......   4 reply
23 02,2021
They are a fucking clownI bet cha if they had responded to the 15 replies asking them why they would are spouting insulting bullshit. They were going to pull the "I feel uncomfortable because I think they are going to like or hit on me." excuse out of there ass. I SWEAR yall straight folk who think like this need to get yalls head out of yalls ass.......   1 reply
07 05,2021
about sad times
I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU FIXED THE IMAGE PROBLEM!? I CAN'T POST ANY GIFS!? MY SOURCE OF EXPRESSION HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY!Why can't I have nice things? Non moving images don't hit the same   reply
16 04,2021
I am convinced that sex only feels good to men. I've seen WAYYYYYYYYYY to many women complaining about how sex doesn't feel good and how the SL smut stories are unrealistic with the sex part. Most women don't even reach orgasm. Then I've heard that vaginas dont have many nerves which is why it doesn't feel as good when penetraed (don't quote me on ......   3 reply
04 03,2021
I don't like how romanticized having a possessive lover is. I always see "CEO Hot possessive Daddy." In books. Obviously written by someone who isn't possessive. I am possessive. Extremely possessive over everything and some people and LET ME TELL YOU! IT'S NOT FUN! Anyone who talks to what i like to consider MY person is a considered a threat. The......   2 reply
03 03,2021
Soo... am I the only one who thinks there is something wrong with this? So the son tries to kill himself because of his dad being overbearing and the dad decides to mock his sons suicide attempt and that is a perfect dad?? Am I just overthinking this? Or... is this supposed to sarcasm.. cuzz.... ?????   2 reply
18 05,2021
This is a game where you grab girls and pull them into a locker. They get put in this and as you can see from the bottom of her skirt you are doing sexual things to them and make them cum. Here is my problem. THEY ARE MINORS. So.. you grab school girls, force them in a locker to do who knows what to them and make them cum. Yes that sounds like a gr......   2 reply
03 06,2021
now I'm not quite sure where people got this story of her being this sweet innocent girl. Then she got raped by some god I don't remember that piece of shit's name and Athena punished her for being raped and turned her into a monster. Only to get killed in the end and have her head cut off. That isn’t the story I was told. The story I heard was t......   5 reply
25 04,2021