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Gold Mine's answer page 1 (204)

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Mf is really jumping through so many hoops to justify rape porn, I am not reading that long ass essay just say you like Jaekyung   reply
29 10,2023
This feels transphobic and supportive at the same time   1 reply
05 05,2024
about lmao
If you shit in the sink at exactly 3 a.m. and yell "skibidi sigma rizz ohio!" exactly 18 times a horrific entity known as "your mom" will awake from slumber and beat the living shit out of your ass   1 reply
23 days
about question
Does it even matter lmao? I promise no one is going to write a research paper on the correlation between having a dick/a vagina and what kind of mangago porn it makes you consume or whatever. You people need to stop putting so much emphasis on gender in such irrelevant situations. EDIT: And yeah this also comes off transphobic as hell   1 reply
09 08,2023
about question
Happy pride !! I'm lesbian :)   2 reply
12 days
Gold Mine 11 03,2024
Yeah this is why I barely read fanfics anymore... so many sick fucks lurk on ao3 just cause they've got no strict rules or anything. It's so hard to just find something normal and fluffy with good plot I just gave up. I literally see a gangbang tag on everything nowadays.   7 reply
11 03,2024
about question
Megan is handling this like an unbothered queen, but seriously Nicki has GOT to take her meds. She's literally getting threatened over nothing and is so entitled. Constantly tweeting and yapping for like, 3 days straight cannot be good for your health. She's just been a constant disappointment these past few years, esp with that rapist husband and ......   reply
28 01,2024
Holy shit go outside, y'all will do ANYTHING but read manga on this site   2 reply
27 01,2024
I think there should be more couples in bl that are the same height, height differences are getting boring   5 reply
25 days
Gold Mine 26 12,2023
90% of BL manhwa tops, 20 inch dicks are ugly and so are unrealistically buff bodies Some of the green-flag boys get a pass though, I'm looking at you Woowon and Ash   1 reply
26 12,2023
Every single damn thing, throw the whole campus away   reply
24 02,2024
about question
Gold Mine 28 09,2023
I've said this before and I'll say it again, there is literally no point in translation if you can't understand the after product. Like it's perfectly fine if it doesn't have absolutely perfect grammar or good aesthetics, but if you're going to willingly provide a translation for a bunch of people to read you should at least try to put some effort ......   1 reply
28 09,2023
Hating on neopronouns/other genders isn't cool or quirky. Let people do whatever the fuck they want ffs, as long as it's not hurting anybody. Some people (other lgbtq people in particular, if you're straight/cis and do this then fuck off) really need to stop drawing barriers between the community because it's really not helping with any progress ot......   7 reply
25 09,2023
"No lube, no protection" Need I say any more.   5 reply
25 days
Wow, it's almost like porny het manhwas are made solely for male pleasure! This is an absolutely ridiculous question lmfao, y'know some of us like seeing people being portrayed like actual people and not sex objects.   reply
10 10,2023
about question
Just for those of y'all that don't know, March is women's history month !! But I agree with the sentiment that women's day is everyday lol. Anyways, she's not a character but I always appreciate Soyeon for standing up for women, especially living in such a sexist country.   1 reply
09 03,2024
Haikyuu. God I live for Haikyuu. The only reason I wake up every day and live insufferably is that once I get the free time I'll be able to re-watch or re-read Haikyuu. I have to forcibly stop myself from doing that every month since I might get bored of it. Each day I build up my life so that at a particular time, every year, I'm able to enjoy Hai......   2 reply
04 01,2024
I wear whatever's in my closet, fuck fashion !! Fuck aesthetics !!! People should be grateful I'm not flashing them everyday !!!!   1 reply
04 04,2024
about question
Man I still find it so fucking weird that some people are actually okay with getting close to literal strangers on the internet who could be anyone for all one knows   reply
28 11,2023