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[DELETED]'s question page 3 (51)

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Are you a fork fan or a spoon fan? (U can't choose both, I will block you)
I'm a fork fan ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
14 10,2023
20 07,2023
Call me Sabrina Carpenter cuz i'm talkin nonsense #swaggyvibes also send your favourite song(s)/song artist(s) and i'll judge u can diagnose u with mental illnesses (for funzies, dont take my diagnosis seriously)
20 07,2023
about question
15 10,2023
Mangago-kun grabs your waist and pins you to the wall.. Breath raggedy and eyes full of lust.. He puts his finger on your mouth and slowly begins to say, "Get the fuck off my site." You look at him with tears in your eyes and begin to protest, but it's too late. You're banned.

Let me know what you think of this fanfic and what you would like next! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
15 10,2023
People who have more, 'want to reads' than they do 'have reads' or 'are reading'.. What the fuck. I get procrastinators but seriously.. What the fuck. And I'm not talking about like 80 more, no I'm talking 1000 want to reads and like 100 already reads/is reading
28 10,2023
now that i have your attention, pretend like i said the most OUTLANDISH, VILE, SUPER CONTROVERSIAL and outright IGNORANT thing and respond with that in mind. (im bored out of my FUCKING mind so thats why lmao)
26 08,2023
about question
PLEASE STOP TELLING US ABOUT UR SEXUAL DESIRES WITH THESE FICTIONAL MEN, we are TIRED of it! If we really wanted to see that we would go to wattpad or AO3
06 10,2023
Comment and let us guess your favourite genre
27 12,2023
23 01,2024
If you had to fight someone, (in an argument) on here, who would u fight?
23 01,2024
Would you rather have someone who would kill for you or someone who would die for you and why?
28 10,2023
about question
This is my OTP ship kyaaa! (≧∀≦)

Cocopuffs opens the door to their apartment, greeted by [DELETED] "Welcome hope.. I've been waiting for you." [DELETED] grabs Cocopuffs by the collar and begins making out with them aggressively, tongue wrapped around theirs [DELETED] begins panting.. Craving more but Cocopuffs pushes [DELETED] away.. "I'm sorry.. But there is another." Shocked, [DELETED] furiously asks, "WHO?!" And finally rat barges in, loudly declaring, "ME!"

To be continued...?
15 10,2023
Setting aside the shit going on, who's the most unproblematic user on here?
15 01,2024