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about have sex
as long as your partner is patient and liberal with the lube than it can feel really good. just relax and dont get yourself stressed out about it. just breath and take it slow. did i mention lots of lube?   reply
05 12,2018
i would wish to not be so scared of people. to be able to go out in public by myself without feeling anxious or scared of the people around me. to be able to make friends without worrying if i am getting on their nerves or is they secretly hate me and are just putting up with me. to be able to go to the park even on days that i know a lot of people......   2 reply
09 11,2018
i would like to see more stories with demons x human in them. not demons who look human the whole time and you only know they are a demon because maybe horns or tail or they said it. i wish it was a little more like Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki where the seme turns into his demon form and does stuff with the uke. also, crimson spell is another......   2 reply
07 12,2018
a while back my husband and i were in the floor doing dogie style when out of no where my cat attacked his dangling bits. he screamed and scared the cat so bad it ran out of the room. after that he made sure the door was shut and the cat was no where around before we did anything.   reply
13 01,2019
i really enjoy it. almost more than vag sex. prep and plenty of lub are important. communication also. you have to be willing to tell your partner if what they are doing feels good or not or if you like or dont like a particular position. for girls (me being f) if they hit just the right spot in the back you can feel it even in the front and it fee......   2 reply
09 09,2020
from Gouin Sakka To Makeinu No Hatsukoi and Jimin   2 reply
13 11,2020
i dont think i will ever watch one piece. it has so many episodes that i would have to invest to much time and data into it.   3 reply
19 11,2018
this site went down for me also in the middle of reading. it was only for a few min but really scared me. favourite yaoi characters? too many to name lol   reply
17 07,2020
kyon from royal servant and aoba from dramatical murder.   reply
05 09,2018
Redpain13 23 01,2021
I'm too scared of people to share my secrets.   reply
23 01,2021
being told 'you think God would let your mom watch over something like you?' just a few days after she was murdered. i was only 6.   4 reply
17 01,2020
Redpain13 11 08,2019
I live in the us and while tattoos are generally accepted the area that i live in, they are still viewed (by older generations mostly) as trashy. Some businesses won't allow you to work there because of visible tattoos or they make you cover them. I have one on each forearm and one on my upper back and one on the back of my neck. When i first got ......   reply
11 08,2019
i am about to be 37 and i come here everyday, sometimes several times a day mostly just to read. occasionally i will comment but usually not. i like to read comments made by other people tho. feels like i am sharing the experience of what i have read with someone even tho i have trouble interacting with people. Also, some of the comments show me ne......   1 reply
03 01,2020
my husband, kids and sister know. my sister knows because we are friends on Facebook and i post ss sometimes of stories i really like. we dont talk about it because she is a bit homophobic tho she wont admit it. i got my husband started reading it. he is really picky so he doesn't read it nearly as much as i do but he likes it and i share stories ......   1 reply
08 12,2018
when i was younger i was abused a lot in many different ways. some times i was allowed to spend the night at a friends house. one day after we had woke up she asked me if i knew that i always cried in my sleep. she had explained that she had seen me do it almost every time i would stay at her house. she had asked her grandmother (guardian) what sh......   1 reply
29 10,2018
i like to listen to music in a lot of different languages even if i dont understand what they are saying.   reply
20 06,2019
i got my husband started reading it. i had been reading yaoi for about a month when he ask what i was reading so i showed it to him and then he liked it and started reading it also. my kids know. they say i am always reading that boys stuff (they are still young). my sister and one aunt know. they are fb friends with me and i post yaoi pictures som......   reply
13 11,2018