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Duchessmikan's answer (3)

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RAPISTS! Cough-yaoi- cough. Then we get a «  romance » that makes it « okay ». Yeah sure , I ll get past the rape and enjoy the butterflies STOP ROMANTICISING RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT ESPECIALLY IN BL. IT MAKES SEEM LIKE IT ‘S OKAY TO RAPE GAY MEN.   reply
18 02,2024
about question
I blocked everyone, please please do this. They care only about their money. Like boycotting, this helps. Please I ve seen how innocent babies were killed and smashed, I ve had nightmares. Please do your part even if a little.   reply
19 days
I refuse to read a yaoi manga/ manhwa if the picture shows a naked or over sexualised uke while the seme is fully dressed.   2 reply
06 09,2023