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Nanachan's answer (7)

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Being way too pushy ,impatient , having anger issues,never apologising even if it's their fault and constantly blaming other people for the problem they caused .   reply
19 12,2023
Omg there's more   reply
24 02,2021
06 02,2020
heyy my ult group is BTS. Other groups I Stan is Mamamoo, Twice. For bands , Day6 is my Ult. I also Stan some solo artists like Dean, Zico, Sunmi, Chungha and IU   reply
06 02,2020
Yes but he's gay and isn't into woman .Haha i felt shit knowing but right now I could only support him. I think he knows but he just kept his mouth shut .I just wished one day I'll get my change to be with him.   reply
22 02,2018
ChosenLight#6621   reply
02 02,2020
Yes it was 2 years ago. I've been friend with him for like three month and then I was gonna go home and he suddenly confessed.I don't remember why I only replied with "lol".And the next day he blocked me from contact and literally unfriended me on Facebook.I was quite shock and didn't really care.I never really saw him anyways after that day maybe ......   reply
22 02,2018
NANA#9065   1 reply
27 01,2019