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karo's answer (6)

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Im portuguese (portugal), which means i also speak brazilian. I can also speak lots of spanish but i understand it better that i talk. Since i used to live in Germany, i could speak german but because i moved to the netherlands, i forgot german and now speak dutch. I can also speak lots of japanese, english and a little bit of litterally almost eve......   reply
14 11,2017
I just turned 13 a few days ago and i totally relate. I am obsessed with yaoi and bts i watch anime and read manga (including LOTS of yaoi) before going to school, IN school, after school, before sleeping, im just obsessed the friends i've shown yaoi to are all now yuri fans and most of the ones i showed bts turned into armys :DDD and yeah my whole......   reply
29 04,2018
i was around six when i was browsing for pokemon images and after a few hours ended up seeing a bunch of hardcore uncensored yaoi pics with (male) pokemon and i still remember one of them entirely XD i liked the pics even though i had no idea what yaoi was but i did know what sex and gay sex was so yeah. thats how i ended up searching for those pic......   2 reply
07 08,2018
i mean, all my classmates already know that i ship them all with somebody and that i draw them and think about fanficts with them in my head so yeah :)   reply
26 03,2018
my first anime crush was definitely Mami Tomoe from the Madoka Magica anime. Even if we're both girls, she is still one of my top waifus lmao Then i had crushes on pretty much every Black Rock Shooter girl and eventually Akihito Kanbara from Kyoukai no Kanata (mami is still my best girl tho uwu)   reply
25 08,2019