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butterscotch's answer page 2 (70)

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is this perhaps your dog?   reply
17 12,2023
hehe I bet it tastes like matcha ice cream :3   reply
23 09,2023
started out with teasing but accidentally fell in love first   1 reply
18 09,2023
how long did this take you my guy   1 reply
26 01,2024
sorry for hating on manwhores guys   3 reply
03 11,2023
about question
I was 3. getting pictures taken with my favorite cousin at a wedding. this bitch appeared out of nowhere and shoved me to the back of the seat so she could take a picture with my cousin instead. I still have the photo evidence. I was there sitting right between them but you could only see my bulging eyes since she had given me no space to even sque......   1 reply
11 09,2023
"let's play boyfriend and girlfriend" I'm not gonna say what happened after that but I was 6 and she was my grandma. Lol why do these pedos all have this creative way of making shit sound normal just so we can have an existential crisis about it later for the rest of our life?????   2 reply
24 10,2023
20 12,2023
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I could make a whole list for this but let's move on cuz this topic is talked about way too much   reply
26 08,2023
about lmao
I don't have even one nice thing to say about it getting a live action itself so I'll just shut myself up. All it needs is an animation like lookism or the one upcoming for solo leveling, meaning anything but a drama. Also I'm just gonna gaslight myself into believing it doesn't exist. I recommend y'all do the same to stay sane like me.   1 reply
26 10,2023
update: he's the guy who sits next to me in english and bro moved on cuz apparently now he's interested in some random girl he doesn't even know irl through fucking snapchat also he's homophobic so there goes my love life yet again. shitty modern love it is! lolzies :3   2 reply
14 01,2024
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- Start going to the gym again and actually stay consistent this time - Dye hair - Get better grades and submit assignments/homework on time - Save up money - Start going outside more and make more plans with friends instead of rotting inside the house - Build up more self-confidence and try overcoming anxiety - Just overall become a better version......   reply
16 12,2023
about question
IVE BEEN SAYIIINNNGGG. This guy ijn my class fits this exact description and tell me why ever since i laid my eyes upon him ive been mesmerized evre since. EVEN WHEN HE HAD A BUZZ CUT I WAS IN LOVE. i will never forget how he looks in a black shirt yall pray for me as i am hyperventilating while writing thsi. his voice is deep and bro is tall and h......   2 reply
11 02,2024
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those popular kids who treat the quiet ones like literal pets, as in babying them in a dehumanizing way. they never realize when to stop seeking validation like bro nobody's thinking ur all cool and shit other than ur little minions following u around to gain some popularity a specific example is when they start acting like ur best friend all of a......   1 reply
03 02,2024
I'm gonna assume ur cheating on me if I see u talking to another girl when we already made eye contact 5 times in a row (I'm not a 10 to begin with)   reply
21 10,2023
dw bae ive done the same thing he even pops up in my dreams now and then   reply
03 01,2024
Honestly oshi no ko used to have so much potential in the beginning but they started adding in incestuous shit, I saw some scenes and manga panels online and it made me drop the whole thing asap. Here's some that prove my point: I MEAN NOT ONLY IS THIS PEDOPHILIC THEYRE ALSO BLOOD-RELATED SIBLINGS SO ITS LIKE ????? (not tryna say it would be better......   1 reply
02 11,2023
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alright seems like we're getting too ahead of ourselves! us beggars can't afford to be picky when we're reading without paying up cuz wait till you realize you'd be going insane if it weren't for this website alone my bro!   1 reply
11 02,2024
about question
ok but lets be real tears are DELECTABLE. they got the perfect amount of salt and when the flavour spreads all over your tongue it feels like an orgasm so I cant even blame them tbhh   reply
11 02,2024