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butterscotch's answer page 4 (70)

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about question
19 01,2024
3 windows with atleast 30 tabs on each one including more than hundred on my phone..... I can never keep my mind on one thing for too long and I feel like this describes it best   reply
28 07,2023
this is some next level creativity like i cant even critique it in any sort of way   reply
19 04,2024
about question
still confused about a career to choose   1 reply
23 11,2023
about question
2019: Shitty people making my life miserable, just feeling like I'm stuck in a loop and there's no where to go anymore 2020: Covid and lockdown made me isolate myself, coming to realization about many things, rotting inside my room all day, no friends, no life, relationship with my family hanging on by a thread 2021: Tried going back to school bu......   reply
08 02,2024
about question
03 04,2024
since we're on this topic can u guys recommend me any otome games or visual novels   5 reply
03 04,2024
about question
reminds me of this kfc dating sim I played once   reply
06 09,2023
aww I love cats   reply
15 09,2023