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403's answer (6)

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Jesus I was probably 12 or 11, fucking nasty kid I was ( ´⊇`)   3 reply
27 03,2019
Shotacon and student x teacher too, like, wtf man it's so disgusting reading romantic interpretations of these kind of relationships. Also when the author just make all women dumb, bad or just a obstacle for the main couple, it's so stupid of a concept.   1 reply
27 03,2019
19 04,2021
i look like a depressed and beaten up funko pop,, have the personality of one too :)   reply
19 04,2021
I was raised with a lot of freedom to explore media however I wanted (not that my parents didn't give any shit, they just knew that I was a nice kid and wouldn't try anything dumb), so I was more than ok with detailed sex scenes and my first experience with hardcore yaoi was pretty boring ( ´_ゝ`)   reply
27 03,2019
I have a huge pile of all sorts of mangas in my table so one day my mom just opened one of them and was S H O O K. My parents are really open with me but they're still from the countryside and some things are really new to them, so when she discovered I read yaoi and yuri I just told her that I like great stories regardless of the type so idk she j......   reply
27 03,2019
Girl, pansexual and a mess when it comes to genres, I love horror and tragedy, also fluff and comedy, yaoi and yuri are my jam, mystery and historical are my oxygen and seinen also have a place in my heart (*´▽`*)   reply
27 03,2019