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I-scweem's answer page 8 (147)

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Yeah you could say its no big deal but when you go see an adaptation of something from your childhood you want it to be accurate so you feel nostalgic watching it. When they make big visual changes and changes to the story it loses the nostalgic effect. Also if Disney made a tiana remake and cast a white actor people who say its not a big deal t......   4 reply
04 08,2023
11 12,2023
my school doesn't have a uniform and my class looks nothing like this but its winter i look relatively accurate and my friend would 100% be waiting for me to finish so she can copy so this is the best i can do   reply
11 12,2023
about lmao
I can recreate shows that ive seen on tv in my head(?) i slightly zone out then i can see and hear the audio clearly as though im rewatching it. I can play it over peoples voices and faces when their talking to much and wont shut up   reply
03 08,2023
"I couldnt have hit and run i dont have a license you have the wrong person" i say as he stands over my injured boy if ykyk   reply
28 07,2023
id probabbly be the sarcastic childhood friend who teases her a whole bunch   1 reply
10 08,2023