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Baekhyun's purple buttplug's answer page 17 (336)

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about question
bro your imagination must suck balls cause I enjoy fics a lot!!! both writing them and reading them actually!!!   3 reply
30 11,2023
about question
When I was like 10-12....I had just gained conscious that no matter what I do I'll never make anyone happy and I kinda let go of all expectations and it was my peak i aced everything I did back then but then my parents started to care suddenly and ruined everything for me...   1 reply
09 01,2024
about question
Laufey Stray kids Linkin park Bl and gl drama music Ye im kinda damaged   reply
08 04,2024
The homophobia goes strong in ours bro ngl cause this dude got accused of being gay and he had a bigass mental breakdown which resulted with him being expelled cause imagine being so fucking fragile with your masculinity!!!! There was this another couple where me and my group found out the dude was getting pegged but that's like real tame compared ......   2 reply
18 02,2024
about question
Another day of celebrating the fact that i don't have to do math anymore!!!!! Well atleast for 3 yrs cause community medicine has percentage and shi but still no algebra or trigonometry or calculus so FUCK YEAH!!!!   reply
19 02,2024
about question
I got to know from my sis!!! RIP!!! youve lived a good life!!!!   reply
28 09,2023
about draw yaoi
Fr man i should move on tooo cause shits turning too gay for me safe out here   2 reply
14 11,2023
about question
General medicine idk why I wanted to become a neurosurgeon man cause after his it's 3 yrs of general surgery and 3 yrs of neurosurgery and then i gotta work as a resident for 2 yrs and then start as a neurosurgeon.............I'll porn back out but yhis is my current choice...I still gotta see what imma get in the post graduate...   reply
14 days
about question
I can't explain myself bro   2 reply
26 11,2023
bad buddy ( bro watch it I swear to good its os damn good like there's even a gl couple in there like its damn amazing) gap the series (this one is depressing but damn good and its gl so.....) dangerous romance my school president (its on a site called dramacool and its fucking adorable!!!) the eclipse (for that angst fluff) only friends (toxic but......   2 reply
04 10,2023
about question
Writing smut fanfiction oh yeah I've written loads and loads cause med school is hard af   3 reply
18 01,2024
about question bro....I love u for this so fucking much!!!!! We all know the answer right??? It's gotta be tt!! Cause no. radiates bottom energy heavily!!!!   1 reply
21 01,2024
about question
Everytime I go to our dissection hall I wish I was getting dissected instead of that random dude. Med school is really tooo much to handle   reply
23 04,2024
about question
Bro run before he tries to eat you out during your period my fren also had a dude who did that and she got disgusted that mid eatout she broke up with him maybe u should do the same   1 reply
5 days
We all know that the right answer is me!!!!!   2 reply
15 01,2024
about question
He is soo me down to the personality and appearance minus the blue eyes tho   1 reply
12 days