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Baekhyun's purple buttplug's answer page 3 (336)

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almost every mf on tiktok and twitter............the main character syndrome on there makes me wanna vomit........   reply
10 10,2023
about lmao
It's like 50/50 bro...........I've read absolutely amazing stories that were rated as much they should be and but then again I've seen some of the most horrible shit rated for like 9.8 too.......ratings for yaoi is especailly mostly done my horny fujos so.......   reply
02 08,2023
people love toxicity cause they all have boring ass lives...   1 reply
01 10,2023
who gives a flying fuck about this??? we are here to read porn!!!!   reply
06 09,2023
Idk man I dont think u should reveal your face anywhere on the internet and especially not fucking mangago~~~ but you do what you do ig???? Fucking stupid tho   reply
22 01,2024
I loved her and the movie but man the hair color threw me off more than I expected, I mean she's a gorgeous human being like I know she would have rocked red so fucking nicely but that nasty ass ginger was there and man no........   2 reply
04 08,2023
guys guys GUYS!!!! DELULU IS THE SOLULU!!!! NEVER GIVE UP!!! HAVE HOPE!!!   2 reply
21 09,2023
My group was doing dissection and I was tasked to by the teach to remove the lungs without damaging the heart which is real tricky and I did so damn well my teach brought me a chocolate cake!!!!....ahh I am so proud of it he told me that I didn't even remove the pericardium which usually gets removed while taking the lung out!!!!!!!! I even took a ......   7 reply
18 02,2024
about question
Pokemon Dragon ball z Beyblade~ so fucking nostalgic~~   1 reply
09 10,2023
Oh I'm the og staff of mangago......this is just a new account...we need 200k since we're being sued...pls DM me   reply
25 10,2023
about question
When u fart so good that your stomach ache and giddiness disappear   1 reply
25 01,2024
Bro it's simple!!! She jacks off to BL!!! She can't do that for GL since she's straight!!!   3 reply
27 10,2023
Its'd I get rickrolled in 2023....that too for the 12th time.......   reply
20 07,2023
about question
DO NOT believe her pls! You can totally trust me!!! Im the most trustworthy person you can find in the world! Im totally not asking for your credit card information and your house address so I can steal all your money and cats and set your parents on fire(p≧w≦q)   2 reply
05 12,2023
about question
Bruh BTS boutta be middle aged themselves tf u on about also those mid aged women you're talking bout are the ones who are actually supporting BTS rn.........u bash them so much and then say no hate like be frfr   reply
06 05,2024
about question
Here is my piece!!! with this I DECLARE WAR AGAINST YOU [DELETED]!!!! FIGHT BACK U PUSSY!!!!   4 reply
15 10,2023
in Bls when they have like sex just after getting together and when the relationship starts with a fetish or a kink, idk man Im not comfy with it and also rape is a huge NO! in gls its either too much smut or no smut most of the time soo...........that annoys me more than I thought!   reply
04 09,2023
AGHHHH I CANT HANDLE THIS QUESTION ANYMORE IT'S BEEN LIKE THE 136582TH TIME THIS HAS BEEN POSTED....Yall are so unoriginal it hurts but then again I fucking hate when porn is used as filler chapters when the author doesn't have a plot to put forth   1 reply
17 01,2024
about question
Post nut clarity hits so hard i be taking a shower to go study biochem for 3 hours straight   reply
09 04,2024
about question
bachelor of medicine and surgery im deranged already   4 reply
16 10,2023