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Baekhyun's purple buttplug's answer page 4 (336)

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Bro true crime should've never existed cause people fucking made it into mukbangs like bitch tf u mean murder of a family of 4 + 40 packs of cheese ramen and sausage mukbang...........   1 reply
15 01,2024
......,.y'all gotta have your internet removed   reply
25 09,2023
about question
the questions on this site now feel like a bot churning out the same fucking questions like yall fr lack creativity................smh   1 reply
05 05,2024
gurl there's four I know!!! One's an alleged rape survivor ,one's got a wife, one is just a 13 year old and the other is probably the one who made all the alt accounts!!!   3 reply
14 09,2023
Nope! People do not like cocky girls but they like cocky guys.....   reply
05 10,2023
aight I forgot but the title is "obsessed" my masterpiece made with toilet terrorist's help! hope yall enjoy it!! also toilet helped my get my creative juices to really wanted this fic to happen   reply
13 11,2023
Pollution!!! FR nothing can match its taste!! especially in my country!!   1 reply
29 07,2023
AYO IVE BEEN IN THIS SHITTY ASS SITE FOR SO LONG AND YALL NEGATIVITY DRIPPED ONTO ME AND MY ASS THOUGHT ID BE ALONE FOREVER TOO.......................................................but i got a gf....and im really good rn   3 reply
02 01,2024
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seeing everyone's answers is making me question my character a lot.....................   reply
03 10,2023
honestly why do u care??? I know Im being rude but you said yall are just acquaintances yourself and besides why ruin your own time over someone you dont even like anymore~   reply
29 09,2023
bro idk even one person who actually sat down and watched it   reply
02 09,2023
about question
bro tbh I dont give a flying fuck about what they even half of nct is in some shit but their music slaps!!! also Baekhyun probably is in some shit too but do I care?? no i dont!! cause he's pretty and he's a capable person and his voice is fucking heavenly!!! edit : aight so maybe dont promote that shit tho??? cause kpop stans d......   1 reply
20 11,2023
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I'm clinically insane   2 reply
02 02,2024
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im sorry but never trust a middle aged/ old guy who lives alone!!! pls never trust them!! u should never go close to even the mud he stands on pls!   2 reply
12 10,2023
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pearl is a woman that was written by andrew tate but then he realized he fucked up and ditched her halfway through making her end up with no personality excepting sucking men's dicks   reply
23 11,2023
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I went on to click on everyone one of your answers and i haven't had a laugh this hard in years like everything's a link good luck mate frfr   reply
17 03,2024
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Dream's face.... bro looks like lord farquaad's deformed twin brother   2 reply
21 02,2024
lmfao Idk correctly but it was probably one where I complained about the size differences between the top and bottom and the size kink ladies flamed me and my comment   1 reply
17 10,2023
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Doraemon and shinchan!!!!! Bros got me through loneliness way back when I was a parent starved kid!!!!   2 reply
04 02,2024
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also when I commented that I'm like gay af on twitter under a nayeon picture, a fujoshi (I checked her profile, she was into killing stalking) told me gay people dont exist irl???? HUH??? Welp then Imma die then!!   1 reply
31 07,2023