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Lady P0ny's answer page 3 (44)

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Lady P0ny
15 09,2017
I had a recurring nightmare through my teen years, I don't remember exactly when they started, but they ended when I was 21. In my dream I was always walking someplace really high, like a cliff, but there was only space for me to walk, it was very limited space. And then, out of nowhere, a giant sea wave appeared and I was swallowed by the sea. I h......   1 reply
15 09,2017
you should read Kiraide Isasete, maybe that manga can show you that not all omegaverse are the same. I actually hated omegaverse before I read this one, now I love omegaverse, but just like any other type of story or genre, you will find good ones and bad ones.   reply
05 07,2020
I always enjoyed masturbation, since I was 11, but I never felt the need to share my intimacy with other people. I lost my virginity when I was 17 (my boyfriend at the time was also 17, but he had a previous experience). We tried 2 times and I didn't want him to look at my "pussy" (I don't wanna say "vagina" because that's the inner part, not what ......   reply
08 09,2019
Were you attracted to her or would you like to be in her place? Also, I don't know if only this is enough to classify your own sexual orientation... (so my answer is actually pretty useless LOL) btw, would you mind telling the name of the hentai? now I'm curious!   2 reply
10 07,2020