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Higuashi's answer (10)

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I wish you better luck.   reply
26 09,2020
Lmfao   1 reply
29 11,2020
about question
My hair is green but there is a limited amount of things, it is still really cute though!!   reply
14 04,2021
It's me...lmao   reply
02 03,2021
I felt so embarrassed and, to make things worse I was pretty young and me and my mom would sometimes read manga together and we used many websites to do so. So by the time I caught on to the full gist of it; my mom had asked me how the book was going or if I was still book hunting. In the end though it took me about six months to ever read somethi......   reply
26 12,2017
The eyes have me crying   reply
13 07,2020
about question
Hi I'm gonna try to keep this as simple as possible and before I go into this reason I'd like to add there is an exception to every rule. It's not just Fujoshis; it is common throughout any manga/ anime or even fiction as a whole. Not all people this includes Fujoshis think it's okay in fact I can almost guarantee that in every yaoi manga up here ......   4 reply
07 06,2021
To be honest, probably the one that can produce poison air but still managed to get captured from being lost or clumsiness.   reply
04 06,2021
about question
To be honest jf I looked like this in real life I'd fall for myself   reply
24 06,2021
No, because it seems like everyone hates there position. Omega's hate how low they are treated. Beta's hate how average they are treated.Then Alpha's hate how they are expected so much of. I think it would be a lot cooler if they just treated everyone equal. Then I could be included, but life is shitty so I still don't fully know.   reply
13 11,2017