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Lemon's answer (8)

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When women claim to be LGBT allies but fetishize gay men. It’s like claiming to be a feminist and then watching porn with misogynistic undertones. Both hypocrites imo   reply
18 10,2023
If you ask me, the majority of folks on this website are straight people getting off on queer fetishization. Straight women are the biggest culprits of this, but straight men could also just be in the closet, don’t @ me tho   reply
17 10,2023
about question
I'm extremely upset by the reoccurring heteronormative stereotypes enforced upon BL Manhwa characters. It offends me that the seme is always tall, muscular, and masculine, while the uke is portrayed as short, petite, and feminine. I also dislike the top and bottom labels which seem to ignore the possibility of being a switch. Additionally, the lack......   reply
20 10,2023
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I hope so   reply
18 10,2023
Nah bfr I don’t use this site to read Yaoi but other genres but I’m the exception lol majority of the people use this site for porn I’m never revealing to anyone that I use mangago to read manga because the homepage is literally all gay male porn I’d die of embarrassment   1 reply
19 10,2023
about question
Nah, don't do it Tuesday, you're kind of an icon for those who know you, dude. And if you're still here after all this time, you know you ain't going anywhere, so just stay. Reading manga's occasionally is fun, even if we don't always get all day to dedicate to it, you know?   reply
30 12,2023
Lemon 18 10,2023
Cheat on ur girl and then snitch on ur homies. Both have no morals   reply
18 10,2023
Oh damn, dude. Why the hell would I fantasize about getting reincarnated as a gay dude? I don’t fetishize gay men’s lifestyles, and plus, I also have a thing for girls so why would I even want to imagine that?   reply
02 10,2023