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Lark's answer (7)

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14 03,2024
Let’s just say, when the manga Finder dropped on here, I was younger than Asami, but older than Akihito…   1 reply
14 03,2024
about question
26 02,2024
Tee heeh hee   1 reply
26 02,2024
Meee   reply
03 10,2023
Sesshomaru   reply
07 11,2023
about question
A S A M I R Y U I C H I No one can change my mind. He is #1 King Daddy seme of all time.   2 reply
27 10,2023
about question
05 03,2024
Rich girls: Even if they’re nice and bubbly (which usually they’re not) I still hate them and their bitchy spending and ruining progression with throwing money left and right or using Daddy to get anything. Stories that revolve around those girls are an instant pass. When it’s a rich guy they are often written more miserable and dramatic bu......   reply
05 03,2024
about question
Chinese drama addicted   reply
05 11,2023