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BizzareNov's answer (3)

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I was 17 years old when I saw narusasu doujins, I hella shocked, then unconsciously read large amount of it, till I couldn't find any narusasu doujins at that time :"   reply
01 10,2017
My first anime and manga is doraemon, because it was aired on television during my childhood days.. but the my first downloaded anime is Sakurasou pet na kanojo, and my first manga which I read online is Ten Count (hehe)   reply
01 10,2017
I entered my "freeze" mode. My thought is blank, and I couldn't believe what I saw ... later I started to think that this world is bigger than I think, I think about norms and rules, contemplating for days.. but finally, here I am--read bunch amount of it everyday ;) and of course I enjoyed it hehehe   reply
01 10,2017