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xiaosdickpiercing's answer (14)

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OP when lesbians on mangago don't squirt 14 km while reading some wack ass mega saturated hentai like they did :,(   1 reply
11 10,2023
that girl had demon grade piss I'm screaming not gonna go into too much detail with mine but p much a staff member gave a student head. so basically the staff and student was feelin each other or wtv and she texted him like "come over ;)" and he went. THEN he went and bragged to his friends afterwards like "yo blah blah blah gave me head" and on......   1 reply
11 10,2023
about question
I'm sorry but I gotta disagree. I understand if it's like one person translating after they see that the story hasn't been updated in a while and wants to try their best, but if it's some FUCK ASS group with some GARBAGE ASS translations, I'm not being grateful for jack they literally write illegible sentences and make us decipher it. My first lan......   3 reply
28 09,2023
all the fujos mad here proving OP point cuz ain't no way you the ride or die for "My Boss Fingered Me in My Sleep and Now I'm in Love With Him!" unclench PLEASE   2 reply
10 10,2023
alice from marimashita iruma kun!!!! he's HEAVILY trans coded (in my insane mind) which makes me want his gender so bad and he's so silly and strong and I love how devoted he is to iruma they're canonically SOULMATES like how can you be such a good friend to someone that they call you their SOULMATE???? also his mom is SUPER hot. I don't really hat......   1 reply
04 09,2023
when I was younger, I would go over to my cousin's house with my siblings and watch stuff on her computer. this was in the early 2010s so there wasn't much interesting on YouTube. one day we decided to watch this Maroon 5 song. I don't remember much but I think this couple gets in an argument and the girl gets hit by a car. they show her dead body ......   reply
04 09,2023
about lmao
dropping genshin was the best life decision I've made and I PROMISE YOU you'll feel the same   reply
05 09,2023
I honestly don't really have a preference but I like it when they're more serious. I'm a big fan of comedy but some of these stories do NOT have the same funny in mind as me. But the whole fuck buddies thing??? I CAN EAT THAT SHIT UP   reply
04 09,2023
I was actually recommended to get therapy LAST YEAR DECEMBER and my mom says I'm fine. THEN a few weeks ago I break down and tell her I really need to talk to someone because I've been having thoughts about setting the house on fire and hitting people I know. tldr; I think I might end up in jail if I don't get help by the end of the year x3   3 reply
04 09,2023
guy is absolutely broke so he decides to sell his body unbeknownst to him the buyer is a super rich guy and becomes somewhat like his sugar daddy   1 reply
04 09,2023
start to sleep early and you'll wake up early as well. I know my advice isn't the best since I sleep at 8 to wake up at 3 but you should sleep at 9-10 even if you're not tired.   1 reply
07 09,2023
sekai no owari has so many good songs I also recommend rpg and fight song!!!!   reply
20 08,2023
zombie by the cranberries I found it through a show I watched and it makes me hella emotional   reply
04 09,2023
04 09,2023