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Alex50431's answer (5)

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Waterside Night & Hogu Hagyeongsu. Both of these are absolute dog shit and the people that say that they are good just irritate the hell out of me. Both just have an unnecessary amount of rape in them and the plot feels almost all over the place. They both ended up irritating me to the point that I had to drop them and I don't like dropping stories......   1 reply
15 01,2024
Alex50431 11 03,2024
This is wild bc my friend sent me a screenshot the tags in this and told me to guess the fandom along with telling me that if they had to suffer; so did I also. (/TДT)/   reply
11 03,2024
Aggressive Omega... Lovely   1 reply
29 01,2024
I don't think I would look bad. But, honestly, my father would control how I looked a lot because my father had trouble in this day and age with letting me wear what I want and look like, even how long my hair was for a while, so I think that if he were in the past I would now be allowed to wear and look like how I want now.But the other creation i......   reply
20 07,2023