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TrashCanOfRiches's answer page 13 (249)

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Guys I'm being cooked.   reply
28 07,2023
Was it wrong to teach my child how to use a gun?   reply
28 07,2023
about question
Yes, that is def abuse. If you're younger than 18 u better ask a friend and they're parents for help, or another adult family member close to you who u can trust. I think this is best even if your older than 18, tell someone u feel safe around, and can trust. If she does any more physical abuse towards you again, take pictures of your wounds before......   reply
07 01,2024
28 07,2023
about question
Got ice, it's scary how accurate it is... Don't mind all da opened tabs btw. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   1 reply
09 10,2023
about question
Most of the people I was gonna say are already said by others, but y isn't anyone talking about this man?!??   reply
19 08,2023
Wtf? Even if I turned into a guy nothing would change since I'm bi anyway but wtf. Just wtf.   1 reply
09 10,2023
[Me who's outside the locker] How tf do y'all fit in the locker?? Is it like that wardrobe in the chronicles of narnia? IS THERE A WHOLE OTHER WORLD IN THERE??   1 reply
07 01,2024
4 of my cousins who are like my lil bro's knows. Cuz of me introducing them to bl one of them even ended up finding out they could like guys, and another one already read gl (not bl) but he's straight lol. 3 of my friends rn know as well, one of them reads it too while the other 2 aren't homophobic but they don't read bl. One of them has an older s......   reply
26 07,2023