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scarypumpkinMG's answer (7)

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I love both of them! I mean, I do think I have a preference for SH at the moment, but before that I preferred JR! I have watched both anime multiple times and read the manga more than once as well. And it has really varied which couple I preferred when. But yeah, oké fine, I guess it's SH for me at the moment with Takano and Ritsu being my fav......   reply
18 04,2018
Hmm.. I think you should come out. Simply because locking away your feelings like that is likely to take a toll on you mentally and emotionally. But your situation is pretty tough. Coming out wouldn't be easy. With your parents like that you will definitely be met with some resistance and your feelings will potentially be hurt at times in the proce......   1 reply
03 05,2018
First of all, Dutch, since I am from the Netherlands. Then some German, since I was thought the language in school. English is learnt here starting from a young age, so that one as well. And then some Japanese, simply because I watch way too many anime and by now I have picked up on some.   reply
11 04,2018
Haha, yeah, I guess it would differ depending on the person I'm with a bit, but in general- with most people- I think I'm more an M. Though, when I'm more comfortable with a person I think I tend to shift a bit more often to the S side. Though I'm not comfortable with a lot of people in the first place. So yeah, the M comes out more. ╮( ̄▽ ̄......   reply
04 07,2018
about penpals
I'm 20 as well and I will be doing a study Japanese starting next year. Not this year or the year before that one because I was to busy with not doing anything - my version of a gap-year (times two). Coincidentally, I as well - just like probably almost every other person on this site :3 - am a fujoshi. Question: have you ever tried making yaoi ar......   4 reply
08 06,2018
Aren't we all too young for yaoi really?   1 reply
27 03,2018
Hii, this is Lisaaa (ID). :33   1 reply
31 01,2020