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Seren's answer (3)

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Well, super junior's Black suit kinf of reminds me of Black Butler, and Vixx's Shangri-la is reminiscent of Hakuoki...i swear I had others, but none comes to mind at the moment.   reply
12 12,2017
I would, to be honest. It's not that I don't like my hair, its just that sometimes its such a bother to fix it all the time. Haha, that makes me sound lazy now, but I don't really have any attachment to my hair. Either I'd shave it, or cut it short. I've only had my hair shaved once, but that was when I was a child, since back then, my parents wou......   reply
11 11,2017
I prefer to be a seke. Sometimes, I feel submissive to the point I want to be taken care of, but I also have that fiery persona, so I can never be submissive fully. Then again I'm shy, and most people will never see that part of me, unless they get really close >   1 reply
11 11,2017