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tdawg's answer page 2 (46)

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im going to set myself on fire   reply
07 11,2023
i walked in on a girl trying to pull out the 3 dispos she hid inside herself   2 reply
19 11,2023
i've been rockin with shine by lil wayne lately   1 reply
02 10,2023
03 01,2024
i swear that photo was for a bit   1 reply
03 01,2024
14 11,2023
too much   1 reply
14 11,2023
about question
listen to the same albums over and over   reply
13 11,2023
mark wahlberg 9/11   1 reply
13 11,2023
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i'm dr. lawrence gordon and my girlfriend is billy   reply
31 10,2023
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the ladies love me   2 reply
22 10,2023
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absolutely chewed up and spit out   1 reply
29 10,2023
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this is...   reply
15 10,2023
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wacky to an insane degree   reply
16 01,2024
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i'm going to jizzith in my pants   reply
15 10,2023
credit cards and walking past a slow walker make me so nervous   reply
18 10,2023
about question
i meant to say "seen as not worthy of the attention of such a beautiful specimen" btw   reply
18 11,2023
pinocchio from naruto, it was my ringtone for a hot minute.   reply
18 11,2023
tetsuo the iron man is one of the coolest movies i've ever watched. its pretty popular, but nobody i know has seen it.   reply
29 08,2023