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Seren's question (2)

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Last time it was me who was setting up my kids but as I am divorced now I'm looking for a new spouse

Qualifications are:
Must be 18 or more
Rich enough to let me lounge around and let me read bl
Must pay attention to me (VERY IMPORTANT)

If you lack any of the above I will still marry you, but don't around acting like one of the those toxic semes after I leave you that's bad

I also have a furry twink cute brother if anyone is interested

Join us (=・ω・=)
23 02,2024
Three of them are unmarried and I'm trying to marrythem off and abandon them so i could go on a

honeymoon with my new wife.



Rich(not really)

Must adopt other to grow the tree

Must be nice

Consider the above qualifications and join the server(You must be 17 in order to join the server)

Here's the link ヾ(☆▽☆)

03 02,2024