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Louis's answer (3)

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Nice suggestion. I would love to give it a try, but I don't have a dick.   3 reply
06 04,2021
I have a dick fetish. I found out that my obsession is called as mentulomania. If I had to really say when did I caught such fetish, it was when I read a manga where the bottom role give a blowjob to the top. The pleasure expression that top gave really gave me some sort of satisfaction. It spark something inside me at that moment "I want to pleasu......   1 reply
23 10,2020
Have you tried slapping back at their asses twice as hard? If they gave you the look, just reply them with "It hurts right?? Exactly." Or just be honest and tell them the truth. That you don't like it. Then warn them, if they're still not stopping their harassment, you've got no choice but to prick the hands that touched you with a pin needle ever......   reply
29 10,2023