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TiredJelly's answer (9)

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about question
It's a bit old school but still a gem   1 reply
13 12,2023
Have a good day!   1 reply
24 09,2020
Well I speak Tibetan, Hindi and English. I learnt Korean for two years. If anyone is up for making a group of korean learners add me cuz practice is always needed while learning another language, my skills are getting worse these days XD   1 reply
29 05,2021
11 01,2021
about penpals
If you are still adding then @_.wangii._   reply
03 05,2020
Love, i know everything a stranger says would be just a rubbish talk but still i know what that feels like, to look at the mirror and feel grossed out by yourself but at the end of the day its all about loving yourself and loving your insecurities too. I know its not that easy because i believe i am ugly too but that doesn't means i am ugly from th......   1 reply
20 08,2019
If you are still adding Zhueze#0692   reply
01 10,2020
about penpals
Can i also join~ (ㆁωㆁ)   1 reply
20 08,2019
@_.wangii._ add please (≧▽≦)   reply
29 08,2020