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Kaichïrou's answer page 5 (85)

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No, something like enjoying kinks is something that is a part of who you are as a person. Some don't take others as well as you'd hope they would, but that's just how life is. Your friend sounds as if she may be a little too much on the innocent and sensitive side, or just hasn't explored her own world enough to understand that having those feeling......   reply
10 05,2018
In a way, I guess? Assuming, but there is quite a handful of readers, not women alone, that have never actually met a gay man in their time of reading yaoi. I was one of those until I met my gay neighbor, and was shocked to know that his boyfriend and him are nothing like yaoi fiction. Yaoi is quite fantasy fueled and tends to be overly romanticiz......   reply
16 07,2018
about rape
Since manga with rape is said to be fictional or doujin, for the most part I've ever seen, very deeply in my gut, I do become irked by the fact any character is being forced into a situation they do not understand or agree to. But honestly, that deep down irk feeling is from my own personal view and experience with rape, had I never come face to t......   reply
02 07,2018
My yaoi addiction started from my desperate search for new anime a while back. I was looking for anime and happened to come across shounen-ai stuff, and it greatly piqued my interest. All the boy on boy action really made me want more, and because I wasn't much for reading comics at the time, I avoided looking into manga for anything. Well, there's......   reply
22 05,2018
•18 yrs old •Female •Haven't experimented with anyone, so I really dunno yet, probably bi though. •US •Katekyo!! (Not Hitman Reborn) •SMUT and HARDCORE, also romcom. •Anything with mind-break or shota. •Age 13. •Read shounen ai first, then stumbled upon and was forever lost in the explicit yaoi vortex. •Nope, ......   reply
19 04,2018