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Darkenthat's answer page 1 (37)

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somebody remind me why I'm on this website again..?   1 reply
04 12,2020
incest is disgusting (unpopular opinion on THIS website since everyone loves incest here).. even if they're not blood related. people on this website tend to treat non-blood relation siblings like they're strangers, i hate that. I have a friend that treasures his little step sister like his real sister and I hate people sexualize innocent relations......   5 reply
09 02,2021
about question
it's crazy how people are making incest normal now like can we go back to learning about morals please..   reply
09 02,2021
i would cry.. and for the people butthurt about this question: it's not that serious. we know disbanding is inevitable but it's not for us to be sad, you keep forcing your mindset of hiding you feelings on others which isn't right. if you're not not army, just ignore the question, not that hard :/   reply
04 06,2021
me being black: baby im not even here im a hallucination   reply
20 06,2021
i have straight friends.. like i don't really support y'all being straight but i can still be around you.. i think that being straight is disgusting, weird and wrong but my friends are nice people.. but at the same time, y'all shouldn't exist :/   4 reply
12 07,2020
about question
throw the whole sister away   reply
24 07,2021
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I am majoring in architecture. 1st year 2nd semester, I didn't choose it bc I love it but now I do actually love it. It's a major you have to love to enjoy bc you don't get paid enough for the amount of work that u do when you graduate is what I've heard. But I'm aware of that and so far, i don't regret it. If u like art, design and you're creative......   2 reply
09 03,2024
Armys aren't the most toxic fandom, i'd say blinks are. And to say "it's like the BTS that I liked back then isnt there anymore." says that you never really stanned them in the first place. I'm not a huge fan of kpop but i know that stanning a group means you'd always stay by them no matter what change they make and you would like them for them, no......   3 reply
15 06,2019
the comments under this are weird, y'all are such hypocrites y'all: bts fans are soooo toxic also y'all: I hate bts, they suck and so does their music and their fans ew if their fans attack you, you deserve it 100% bc YOU'RE the one being toxic so stop complaining   1 reply
26 06,2021
21 04,2021
about question
im surprised by how accurate this is, even my mole is there, i'd change my face shape though (it's square/rounder), curl pattern is 3b so a little curlier and my skin tone is lighter (the other option would've been wayy too light so i chose this one) but I can assure you I don't look this good   reply
04 05,2021
this is HILARIOUS i know u a troll   1 reply
12 11,2019
not bad..   reply
09 06,2021
I'm surprised by how inclusive it was.. I kinda look like this not 100% tho   reply
26 05,2021
your fave cotton picker   1 reply
10 07,2021
this was fun!   reply
20 06,2021
i guess you got the attention you were looking for   reply
07 06,2020
about question
06 03,2024
perfect - shinhwa cool with you - newjeans fairy of shampoo - txt   1 reply
06 03,2024