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altynnna's answer (7)

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about penpals
Another Fujoshi here ~ I'm also a shy awkward Asian girl that would like to make other friends!!! I hope it is not too late to join (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I'd love to join too!! ID: altynnna69   1 reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
16 y/o American Girl here ~ I'd really love to join your yaoi group chat as well!!! I might be a little shy but I can be fun with things I'm passionate about. I'm aware that I might be a bit young? Hope you consider me anyways :P   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
Hey!!! I'm a girl living in America, but don't worry I won't judge :P (English wasn't my first language even though I am a native speaker). I'd love to join ur chat!!! LINE ID: altynnna69   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
I'm down to join!!! LINE ID: altynnna69   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
~ Hello!!! Please let me join as well (▰˘◡˘▰) ~ I hope it is not too L8   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
09 01,2018
Oooh!!! (=・ω・=) I really hope I'm not too late!!!! Please let me join the group, I'm totally down. LINE ID: altynnna69   reply
09 01,2018