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Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~'s answer page 1 (22)

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I'm that person. I'm really picky when it comes to plot/stories so i just saved them for want to read list first.   reply
28 10,2023
It's hard to remember chinese names, for me. except WWX and LWJ tho haha   1 reply
11 06,2021
Team SEKE! HAHA but mostly seme, i think. bc that's what I want to become LOLMAO. I mean i want to torture my uke and I want to feel the feels that uke feels when he's being torture HAHAHAHA K ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   1 reply
11 05,2018
about question
bruh, tbh, I don't do anything irl. i ended up here because it was that moment i realize I didn't want to live and so i began reading Killing Stalking, it all started with that.   2 reply
05 12,2023
I don't. but if you mean taking a break, i think I didn't visit the site or read for half a year here, instead i was busy reading on ao3 lmao.   reply
04 12,2023
08 05,2024
about question
my kid niece kissing me on the cheek is already uncomfortable and kinda embarrassing as is for me and i never returned the kiss lmao. and same I actually hate it when someone's face gets too close to mine ugh but i think, i mean- just a hypothesis, if I've got a partner who i loved and loves me as well as much, I think i like kissing though like, o......   reply
27 09,2023
Idk there's nothing for me. I have nothing to do other than being stressed and depressed irl so i read to escape from that. there's still some other websites including the legal sites ofc but this is where i belong, i think. i want to stay in mgg i dont want this to go down but forever doesn't exist.   reply
03 12,2023
about lmao
One might think I'm a simple gurl or smth but I'm just a nerd who's socially veeery awkward and just stays at my not-literal-dark room and I'm also moody, even I don't understand myself. in short I am not interesting trust.   reply
06 09,2023
I think I'm both lmao. but if not about this, uuuh ya know, I still hurt people and I sometimes like it lmao so I think I'm more of an S HAHA.   reply
01 01,2021
about question
each and every phase I've been and experienced is embarrassing as hell, i'm 20+ f-ing yo and still growing up and experiencing some more embarrassing phase   reply
27 09,2023
about question
dis too pretty tho i dont understand but honestly even a girl i liked to style my hair like this but I love my hair long   reply
27 09,2023
I'm always thinking about it. everyday. It never leaves my mind about commiting suicide, Im just cutting myself sometimes so that the pain will be gone atleast but not that much and so It's rlly not enough but I can't go deeper. I'm afraid of living my life and yet I'm afraid to actually end myself too. ugh I really am a coward like really wtf man......   1 reply
16 09,2018
Lmao same. I'm right handed too but since I move everything in my right hand I use left, even on my first time, I think (omfg I still remember it it's almost a year now i still feel awkward) lmao haha but I sometimes use my right hand too. but I never thought I'd be left handed when it comes to this haha.   reply
03 01,2021
I started yaoi at 17 until now I still consider that age is minor so yeah I guess you're still young for this but if it's just Shounen Ai like Dasadanan I think you're fine lmao but you're already here so don't be scared though so what if you like it   reply
03 01,2021
Not sure about that because I might never completed shit but I still read them from time to time.   reply
02 09,2023
about question
i call my parents mama/papa and so if i come to be a parent as well I'll let them call me the same or call me "mother" in our city's language but I don't want to be a parent so.   reply
05 12,2023
I think I already answered this but My very first crush was Gaara and Tidus, but recently was Bakugou and still Blasty.   reply
01 01,2021
my very first Anime was NARUTO my first manga I think is Noragami ?   reply
17 08,2018