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ㅇㅅㅇ's answer page 1 (129)

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ㅇㅅㅇ 24 06,2020
"i find two girls kissing disgusting but i'm not a homophobe because i ship hot guys" eye- JFHGFJFGHF GIRL THAT'S CALLED BEING HOMOPHOBIC AND OBJECTIFYING MEN omg.It'd be a whole different case if you didn't like gl, but not like lesbians? m'am. I'm not one to shame on people but, shame on you   3 reply
24 06,2020
ㅇㅅㅇ 21 08,2020
Please let me know every language in existence by default, i wanna read them raws but i don't wanna make my brain work   1 reply
21 08,2020
ㅇㅅㅇ 14 08,2020
Ma'am this is a wendy's This gives the same vibe as "I ate a heated up Big mac and now i don't feel so well"   1 reply
14 08,2020
ㅇㅅㅇ 10 08,2019
I'll say it's a battle between Sangwoo (Killing Stalking) and Seungho (Painter of the night) i'm not in for abusive relationships lmao. Also the guy from the first couple in "if you hate so" is just a straight up asshole but not as bad as the other two tho   1 reply
10 08,2019
You know what? You actually have a point there, but, it's still weird that you find fictional kiddie weiners hot (y'know dicks of 10/8 year olds). Anywho, if we really think about it technically the 18+ people that've read school-life yaoi could also be considered pedos, going by the logic of "if you read underage characters having sex you are a......   3 reply
03 07,2020
In my defense he looks completely miserable   2 reply
29 09,2020
i actually don't remember the names of most of them, so i'm gonna call them with the names i gave them. - These two little cheating hoes - Everyone in this story (ever single character is a seke so i guess they also count as ukes lmao) -This rapist, cheater, pedo and blackmailing bastard - Monopolizing little bastard ( i enjoyed this story ......   6 reply
21 07,2020
-Sometime whenever i have a baby in arms i think " what'd happen if i just drop them ?" and then a voice in my head says "DROP THEM DROP THEM" -When i go to go high places (like a mountain, cliff, high buildings) , my mind just tell that i should throw myself and see if i come out alive. Thoughts like that also come when i hold a knife lmao, my bra......   1 reply
14 08,2020
the fact that question needs to be asked makes me so sad (/TДT)/ i think the answer pretty obvious, black ppl are ppl and they obviously deserve rights just like anyone else lol   1 reply
18 06,2020
I kinda feel sorry for you but now that i've heard both sides i'm done. I don't want mangago to turn in to twitter 2.0 and i've never really like the 'exposing' stuff, this is a site made to enjoy manga and talk abut relatively normal stuff, and i hope everything turns alright for you? i guess.   3 reply
04 07,2020
These are not necessarily the sexiest ukes but i really love how they look Jung-gu from Eunsuk and Jung-gu because this one's a given Seno from Kakkou no Yume, because he's the living(? embodiment of my type of my guy Mao from tatsogare Outfocus Masaki from Aon no tsubomi Ao from Cupid ni Rakurai Hayakawa from Hishakaishindo Th......   3 reply
08 07,2020
I'm gonna say joel just because he is one of the few ukes that actually looks good with the goatee cut + Joel without a beard just bc   7 reply
20 07,2020
ㅇㅅㅇ 01 07,2020
Who is he? Btw saying they're a pedophile is taking things out of proportion a little bit. Yeah, they're a confused mind but they're talking about fictional characters and not saying how they have the hots for actual children. Bruh, i have the hots for Pina-kun but that doesn't mean i'm going to fuck an a freaking sheep. Anyhow if you think he's g......   2 reply
01 07,2020
I love how this has the same energy as that one girl screaming ¨WHAT IS TEAAA?? THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!!¨   1 reply
10 02,2021
It was toonkor, and i'm sorry but i gotta expose this pic bc it's the funniest shit i've ever seen (censored in case you get eye-cancer) SHJGFHJFG i'm really confused as to why that exist   6 reply
29 07,2020
It's not that deep but " I've taken many big shits before so i can take your dick" keeps coming back to me for some reason ( i may be remembering it wrong but istg the character had said something along those lines)   1 reply
13 09,2020
about be lazy
ㅇㅅㅇ 11 02,2021
I´m on this site since 2018 i think lmao, when i logged in ppl where fighting too, just about different stuff (the questing thingy was full of people asking really weird question) I wasn´t here at the time but honestly 2016 was the best and no other years can top it   reply
11 02,2021
ㅇㅅㅇ 22 08,2020
Me trying to buy mangas/chapter legally be like: Girl, you chose the wrong site for this   reply
22 08,2020