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Saltyhamstar's answer page 3 (73)

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The mods gonna put us on lockdown again and it will be YOUR fault   reply
27 07,2023
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Can I have yo insta bbg   1 reply
27 07,2023
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White person detected   reply
18 12,2023
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I wish the absolute worst on people that are into ddlg or mdlb or any other variation of this kink (non-sexual age regression is fine tho and I hope your having a great day if that's you   2 reply
20 04,2021
This year with my professor. Idk what it is with collage and all of my favorite subjects having the worst profs but DANG. So to start he was one of those people who could never be wrong and its always the students fault. He was also very sarcastic all the time, even when it wasn't called for. That was a personal gripe I had, but where he REALLY pi......   reply
24 days
Some people have no lives bro. Can't imagine being like that lol   1 reply
17 03,2024
about question
No because if someone is talking about something and your immediate reaction is to bitch about how bad YOUR life it I'm just going to make fun of you. "Hey I've been feeling very self conciouse about myself" "Oh ReaLy Well At lEsT yOuR PaRentS LoV-" "Damb bitch im not surprised they dont love you, whiney ass" And its even worse when its like so......   reply
08 04,2021
To everybody reading this: You can be whatever and whoever you want. Just because a 13-year-old girl with a superiority complex says you should be doing something doesn't mean you actually have to. Enjoy your life babies (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
11 01,2021
about question
No of course not. I mean you said its not porn so why would it matter. Its No different from recommending any other manga. It just happens to have gay people in it. And if that bothers them (In a homophobic way) they can fuck off   1 reply
23 07,2021
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For those wondering this is what you ID is. Go to settings and you can see yours however you can't change it but you might be able to message mods to see the steps needed to take to recover an account. Your best bet would be to start a new account and just resave everything from your other one.   1 reply
27 07,2023
about question
From someone with a licence, its really not that hard lol. People walk like they drive and drive like they walk and even cars have body language. Learn it and respond to it accordingly. After you get it you don't even need to use it fr.   reply
30 07,2023
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Funny people... Some of y'all using the same reaction pics from when this site went down and I'm embarrassed.   reply
30 07,2023
I think in terms of “this person used a color I don’t like CANCELED” then it’s bad but in ways like Shane Dawson where he was racist, sexist, homophobia even I completely understand “canceling” him because he is human garbage and if someone can willingly watch him after that shit I question their judgment on other things. However cancel......   1 reply
07 07,2020
1. i would love to be your friend 2. I’ve always wanted the “we’re going to have our wedding together and have our kids fall in love when they get older” Friendship. Like I just write out my entire life story with them. Or maybe I spend way too much time in Wattpad   reply
03 08,2020
I know someone already volunteered but we can start a throuple   1 reply
22 01,2021
Honestly, I kind of stepped away from BL for a while because it has a lot of overused and toxic tropes (rape, pedophilia, generally being heteronormative). I started off reading BL with lovely plots like blood bank, raising a bat, and King's Maker but now it seems like everything is just repeating in just a slightly different font. I want some murd......   reply
21 01,2021
22 02,2024
Happened a couple time for me. Sometimes we just grew apart and sometimes it was for bad reasons. It honestly depends on the situation at the end of the day. If you just don't like hanging out with them then you can probably just tell them. "We used to be close but we just don't have much in common. I might not text you as often or hang out with yo......   reply
22 02,2024
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30 11,2023
Well this is a playlist I made that I feel fits the vibe your looking for. Other artists I like that might not be on that playlist: Mac Demarco   1 reply
30 11,2023
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Real hot girl shit Ahh (even if I'm like 3 shades darker than this)   reply
25 04,2021
I know this may not be possible for everyone, especially if you don't have another device but if you make a new account and get it to 16 you can just run around and get all the materials you need to level up. Not to mention all the bosses are level 36. However, it may take a day or two to get there. An unexpected hurdle is you may end up with bett......   1 reply
10 06,2021