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chaenggu's experience (5)

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i cant even look at irl gay couples as an entertainment material. for example the lgbt youtubers and stuff. i follow them to support them not to fantasize. but if its people around me lmao nah. fORGET MALE FRIENDS I DONT EVEN HAVE FRIENDS   reply
20 05,2020
please help me name this character i have no idea anymore full name if you can, im just..i give up my brain is a useless mass of whatever   5 reply
04 03,2021
chaenggu 30 08,2020
i like it too but the older u get its so hard to cry so i plug in some hachiko level angst to make my eyes leak like a 14 yr old boy   reply
30 08,2020
gusto ko lng ishare para sa mga laging nag sasana all   1 reply
04 12,2020
bc i cant see them like that. they are...ew. but when i see other people i imagine them having sex and they dont know what im thinking bc resting-bitch-face mode on   reply
12 05,2018