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A-Chan's answer (2)

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I'm a college boy and have a close friend since we were in dorm. He loved to joking me and sit behind me in same chair. sometimes he hug, embrace, bite, or hold me suddenly. We also went to class together and the other friends made a joke that we were couple haha... But he changed his act time by time even though he choose the same class with me an......   6 reply
03 02,2018
I had an experience in the 2nd middle school to meet a same sex orientated in fb. We met each other and he was 10yo older than me (actually I love crush with a older guy). I was very excited to met him 'cause that was my first date with a guy. He brought me to a cafe and when we in a silent alley he kissed me so sudden -.- of course that my first ......   reply
04 02,2018