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DEANFLUENZA's answer (5)

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K so i'm in love with : -19 days (that shit good man) - tadatada suki to iu dake de (best of them tbh i read it all the time) - never understand (- i also love "shirouto yankee kikiippastu !")   reply
11 09,2019
my two first fictional charachter crushes were Danny Phantom (ghost version) and Shuya (Inazuma Eleven) like,, i really liked white-haired tough bois Nowadays i just crush on all types of yankees, but ,, He Tian (19 Days) oof   1 reply
20 08,2019
i thought i was gonna be a beta but ??? i'm a weak ass omega   3 reply
11 09,2019
Im young n gloomy   1 reply
21 07,2019
Black Forest Cake is just,, something else, the crispy chocolate chips on top,, the sweet and soft sponge cake and,,, the cherry that heats and melts your mouth istg i could eat it forever Maracons too !   1 reply
29 06,2019