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guesswho's answer (5)

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For shoujo, my first: Usui Takumi! How nostalgic. My current: Son Hak!! For yaoi, my first: Maya Hideyuki! My current: Asami Ryuuichi! (ಡ艸ಡ)   1 reply
12 06,2020
mine is Uncomfortable Truth manhua. the ending made me bawled like a child (இ﹏இ`。)   1 reply
25 05,2020
I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Choke “I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die” give it a try, it's a cute song with cute lyric :3   5 reply
02 06,2020
well it's too much to even think there'd be someone to marry crappy being like me lol. so here, Lemon by Yonezu Kenshi! play it on my funeral instead (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚   reply
29 05,2020
lack of confidence   reply
17 05,2020