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ゼンリー's answer (13)

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about dating
I have a black to red ombre :)   reply
22 06,2021
Ngl, whoever made him has taste lol   reply
22 06,2021
about question
"Don't try to find a reason for someone's love." -Oda, One Piece As someone with avoidant attachment issues, this hit me so hard. People just love you because they do. There doesn't have to be a reason behind their love. They just do.   1 reply
24 10,2023
Beta obviously lmao. I don't want to get raped or be a sex offender(considering how I suck at not giving into my desires --food, clothes, etc--). ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
09 10,2019
I could never. . . I tend cry right away if I feel shameful or embarrassed due to feeling overwhelmingness, which doesnt happen often because I dont put myself in such sitiations. I tend to lay low so I can avoid ever feeling that way. Like low low. Hence, I find it hard to even think about confesssing. Plus, I'm a loner. It'd be weird if you were ......   reply
11 12,2020
about dating
I have an ombre from black to red, wasn't sure on how to integrate it lol.   reply
22 06,2021
It is definitely obvious as to who would be an alpha. For example, there's a guy in my grade. He's good at sports (does baseball, nordic skiing, and cross country). He really good with musical instruments (all saxophones, bass guitar, not to mention, while doing sports he was also in marching band). He also takes AP and IB classes; he's intelligent......   reply
16 02,2020
about dating
I need friends before I even start dating. Lol, in all honesty tho, I find it hard to break down my walls with people. I guess that I'm, fk, I don't want to call myself this, but I think I'm a bit scared of relationships. That's ANY relationship. I grew up being told that my personality is just going to ruin my relationship with my friends, future ......   reply
22 06,2021
> Past lovers reincarnate and reunite (fate/destiny) > One of the two lovers die in the end > Childhood friends to lovers > When two people from different statues fall in love (class, race, etc.) > Amnesia   reply
22 06,2021
I didnt expect her lmfaooo   reply
11 12,2020
ISTP-T (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   3 reply
01 04,2018
Because Im ugly and I know it lolz (yes, beauty is subjective and looks are purely based on taste but attraction starts from your looks after all). I think I look fine but I guess I just don't have the charismatic charm to attract people. You gotta have that attraction yknow ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I also plan on dying alone too because I know that it'll be ......   reply
08 09,2020
Got omega lmfaoooooooo. How does this quiz work lmao.(● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
09 10,2019