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snake eyes's answer page 1 (34)

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mpreg poetry before gta 6 is crazy   reply
5 days
yeah all the time lol i'm a trans guy   2 reply
30 12,2023
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seeing the stars in the mountains, it ignited my love for astronomy and now i'm a big nerd   1 reply
21 days
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unfortunately if the global superpowers don't get their act together soon then we really will be cooked in a nuclear fire   1 reply
14 04,2024
honestly i prefer lightsabers, with the INSANE size the tops are given it's just painful to see a monstrous appendage in full detail   1 reply
23 days
my homophobic religious parents found out i'm gay and my dad called that part of me trash (lmao!) fast forward a couple years and he goes off on a tangent about how "there's a bit of homosexuality in all of us, but you need to control it" like sir wtf??? you tryna tell me something???   2 reply
17 02,2024
now tell me just how in the flying fuck something like this could occur   reply
25 09,2023
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we won't be needing that continuation thank you very much   reply
15 10,2023
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nah bro you right for this, imo he hasn't changed one bit and is still like THE darkest red flag in existence the fandom is beyond delulu atp (just like the uke lol)   reply
29 11,2023
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maybe help yourself by getting off this site gang   reply
07 04,2024
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im down, my life been boring as hell lately so we can spice it up   reply
29 11,2023
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giraffe onesie, candy, a boba plush, some books, gum, and a gift card most of it was from my stocking but yeah   reply
25 12,2023
we have this flavor in the midwest (America) called blue moon and it's so damn good in summer either that or caramel cookie dough tbh   1 reply
14 03,2024
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fall, i'm always so close to falling into a dark place (winter) (help me I hate exams)   1 reply
21 days
it gets harder and harder to keep going every day, i feel like i'm suffocating and i want out lol on another note, this is exactly what i wished i looked like and i'm very happy with that   reply
18 10,2023
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tbh i spend too much time on here so might as well make some friends - sent from the ISS   1 reply
1 days
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lmao i keep getting asked by people if i'm east African nah my ancestors got kidnapped and brought to this bum ass country like most everyone else here, plus they were from Nigeria anyway   reply
13 12,2023
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i was not expecting this much overlap holy guacamole   reply
04 03,2024
floccinaucinihilipilification (and yes i know this off the top of my head, looked up long words a few years ago cause i'm a nerd) - the act of defining something as worthless 29 letters and 9 of those are i's   1 reply
24 01,2024
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what's a skeleton's favorite snack (i did not steal this from my 3rd grade jokebook)   2 reply
29 11,2023