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Ashiya's answer (7)

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Humans @_@   reply
17 04,2024
Wow so many tho   reply
22 11,2023
about question
For other stuff I learn the chapter while doing a mind map. Then some time later i try to actively recall each part of the chapter, and i use the mind map if i can't remember. For math stuff i just use the formula i need to know while i practice, and i have a small copybook with all formulas from the start for whenever i need to find them quickly. ......   reply
17 04,2024
Can believe people like this still exist   reply
20 04,2024
I would climb on people ~~   reply
20 10,2023
They don’t have nipples yo   reply
22 11,2023
It was mentioned on Reddit   reply
24 10,2023