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Xuitrex's question (2)

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So I basically forgot about this one manwha's title but let me get straight to the point so the blonde haired uke is like a hero who lived for 300-500yrs(?) Bc of some magic and there's this white haired seme who's the emperor all I know is that he's like cursed?with like dragon curse or something it's like black stuff spreading through his body and it only goes away temporarily if he is with the blonde uke and I remember a scene with probably aphrodisiac or something but I just know they hooked up in the forest then the 2nd part I remember was like at an auction house they were looking for a gem that's gotta do with like the dragon stone or something (that's actually in the blonde uke that's why he can live long I think) and then something went wrong when blonde uke left to go somewhere he met this weird tentacle plant monster who tp him to the stage of the auction and there the seme saw him and the other auctioners wanted to buy him bc he strong and the seme is like not happy and then when he bought him they hooked up in a private room in the auction house and then the end bc that's all I remember
26 11,2023
about question
So like said in the title i need to find this certain manga i'll get straight to the point
So there's this officer worker i think who finds a stray 'cat' which is not basically like an alien he adopts the 'cat' and takes care of it until he realizes what he has brought in nevertheless he still took care of it. And so the 'cat' feature details is that they have one eye and has a REALLY dark body almost as if its body is a void and its weird looking, i don't remember the details much bc its been a long time i read it so i basically forgot almost the entire thing except for the character details. if you find it and reply to my question thank you so much
05 12,2023