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Aoi-chan's answer page 2 (30)

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Almost everything updated each day and at least three others   reply
29 08,2018
If not old age I’d say drowning I heard it hurts and can take awhile but if I was jacked up enough to commit suicide doubt I’d care   2 reply
29 08,2018
I do activities with dementia seniors at an assisted living place   reply
29 08,2018
I’m 27 I’d say always remember people are only human if you expect too much disappointment is inevitable   reply
10 11,2018
Hi I’m 26 and from the USA. I’m so pessimistic that I come across as optimistic.   reply
03 04,2018
I understand. So fucking annoying when people say that. I never say it to anyone either.   2 reply
03 04,2018
I suck at drawing and any language besides the one I speak.Bums me out sometimes.   reply
03 04,2018
Currently some cute anime style girl I copied from google images.   reply
22 04,2018
Doing what you want when you want.   1 reply
30 11,2018