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mewmeo's answer page 3 (71)

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handcream for winter   reply
15 01,2024
mewmeo 05 01,2024
welp guess I have to accept it starving myself   reply
05 01,2024
mewmeo 17 03,2024
Isfp wouldn’t recommed 16personalities tbh it only just surveys your interest and all that first thought I was istp when I took it :v Find other mbti tests and research abit mbti and other types and see if it suits you or not after all mbti is just a way to find your cognition process most of the time idk   1 reply
17 03,2024
*whispers to the birds* we shall form and commence a revolution against the zoo   reply
05 01,2024
mewmeo 05 01,2024
Piss color   reply
05 01,2024
Bocchi the rock   reply
05 01,2024
If it’s edible it’s edible your choice to eat it cause I’m not   reply
05 01,2024
about question
Few chapters of non zero sum because was curious how bad was it. It was THAT bad like I felt so sad for the mc/bottom it’s not even psychological just fucking agony   reply
22 04,2024
i just go "GADDAMNNN HE GOING HAM ON HIS ASS DAMNNNNNNNN" idk somethin like that cause damn that smut scene go hard af   reply
02 01,2024
about question
Hate it fucking hate it I hate it here   reply
11 04,2024
about question
I discovered this website after I started to look for bj alex after see a hot ass bj alex edit of the top and somehow got here this was the first yaoi manhwa i read lol and first I discovered this website I was like 10-11 lmao before covid   reply
06 01,2024
they cool and chill and got cool stories to tell and many friends and connections with people I'm a gemini   reply
03 01,2024
mewmeo 05 01,2024
That's just sad bro not life and everything has to be about romantic relationships I would never do this tbh i rather just chill and experience new things or just focus on myself instead of just thinking that is the last option for me like bro are you okay man get help or something Rando image:   reply
05 01,2024
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Honestly lowkey curious if there’s any omega x omega tbh like any recommendations for that I’ve read omega bite but thing is the bottom used to be an alpha :/   reply
22 days
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Okay to clarify this is what it looks like on my screen on my profile if you're confused you can go to your profile and scroll down to where you can see it if you're on pc/computer/laptop but not sure for mobile I believe its the same thing   1 reply
12 01,2024
mewmeo 31 12,2023
Around middle school but stopped reading cause the bl plots were getting boring especially with seeing mostly smut most of the time this was before covid and to now where I just read yaoi again causually cause some plots are interesting and funny as hell I just check the comments if the yaoi is good and read it tbh :v   reply
31 12,2023
A week ago many times   reply
31 12,2023
about question
Nah I wouldn't read a manga/hwa/hua made by AI cause' 1) The art is shit and steals off of artist's artwork and it'll look uncanny. There's already a webtoon made of ai and looks like shit 2) The plot will not make sense especially the dialogues In my opinion about ai in general honestly it should be used for useful purposes such as used to un......   1 reply
15 01,2024
mewmeo 31 12,2023
Escalators every time I go up to the next floor not that scary but going down is like I feel like if I take the escalator down I'm most likely to fall and trip to my death I need to take more escalators more often   reply
31 12,2023