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Peltoperlidae's answer (7)

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39 with a PhD, here! I read 379 books this year and probably 70% of them were manga...   2 reply
01 01,2019
I hate the fact that people are so obsessed with defining others by the role they play during sex in general. As if anyone only plays one role in a relationship at all times...   reply
28 04,2021
I am older than the ages listed and I am still here. I rarely comment and read more than the first page of comments even more rarely, but I am on here nightly...   reply
31 12,2019
I am in my early 40s, single, a professional scientist. I rarely comment and read more than the first page of comments even more rarely, but I am on here nightly...   reply
10 08,2020
about lazing
Peltoperlidae 17 01,2021
I got pink eye from Skee-Ball at Chuck-E-Cheese one time. Next time we went, there were hand sanitizer stations everywhere, so I am guessing I am not the only one.   reply
17 01,2021
My weirdness makes me irresistible.   reply
15 02,2021